Saturday, November 27, 2010

Black Rapid RS DR-2 and RS-W1B Camera Straps


black_rapid_rs_dr2_1 Black rapid have introduced RS DR-2 and RS-W1B camera straps. The first model, RS DR-2 camera strap is the slim version of DR-1 camera double strap; it is perfect for those who are looking for smaller system. Rock 2 DSLR cameras are similar to a gunslinger.

You can use it like as single R-Strap by removing half. The DR-2 is made of high quality, durable, ballistic nylon. It is available with 2 Fasten R-3 connectors. The DR-2 will fit perfectly for both women and men. The second model, RS-W1B is a Black Rapid’s opening to design a camera strap especially for women.

It is already available in the classic floral design; now the Black Rapid has introduced the RS-W1B that is made from the ballistic nylon. The RS-W1B is the first camera strap in the world that focuses for perfect fit on the female. RS-W1B provides durability, comfort, and speed.

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