Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Pixel Gear Suite

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PSKiss has announced a new package of Pixel Bender professional image editing filters named Pixel Gear Suite. The first set of Pixel Gear filters include Skin Gear - a unique skin retouching filter - and S/H Tone Gear for tone and contrast manipulations. “The algorithms of those filters would have taken ages to run on the CPU”, says Max Penson, Co-owner of PSKiss and chief of product development. “Thanks to Pixel Bender Technology, we are able to run our original cutting edge algorithms, straight on the GPU, shortening processing time to a blink on an eye”. Pixel Gear Filters are now offered with a limited time special discount of 25% at the website below.

Website: Pixel Gear Suite

PSKiss Press Release

The Future Is Here!
The First Ever Image Editing Filters Using Pixel Bender Technology For Adobe® Photoshop® CS4 and CS5 Launched by PSKiss.

Tel Aviv, Nov. 15, 2010 – PSKiss announces a new package of Pixel Bender professional image editing filters named Pixel Gear Suite. Each filter utilizes Pixel Bender technology for running Cutting Edge algorithms straight on the display card using full GPU acceleration, creating exceptional image quality in a blink of an eye precessing time*.

Each filter is shipped with a free Adobe Photoshop Panel, for fast and easy worfklow. “With our Pixel Gear Panels, users can easily launch Pixel Gear Filters with preset settings, creating the best Pixel Bender workflow tool”, says Tal Ninio, CEO at PSKiss and chief of product management.

The first set of Pixel Gear filters include: Skin Gear - a unique skin retouching filter, S/H Tone Gear - the best way for tone and contrast manipulations, both in Standard and Pro versions and Edge Gear - the most effective edge enhancement tool and.

“The algorithms of those filters would have taken ages to run on the CPU”, says Max Penson, Co-owner of PSKiss and chief of product development. “Thanks to Pixel Bender Technology, we are able to run our original cutting edge algorithms, straight on the GPU, shortening processing time to a blink on an eye*”.

Pixel Gear Filters are now offered with a limited time special discount of 25%.

To learn more about PSKiss Pixel Gear Suite,
visit http://pskiss.com/pskiss-pixel-gear-suite/

About PSKiss
PSKiss was founded by Tal Ninio and Max Penson.
Tal Ninio is an Adobe Photoshop Certified Expert with more then 16 years of experience in image editing, digital pre-press and digital photography. Founder and former owner of Mentor College in Tel Aviv, author of 10 Photoshop visual guide books and 2 Photoshop step-by-step instructions books
Max Penson is an Image Quality Expert at Zoran Corporation. Former Application Specialist at LEAF, Kodak. Owner of d-spot.co.il, Israel’s leading digital photography website.

*Performance may vary depending on graphic card’s capabilities.

View the original article here

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