Monday, December 6, 2010

Seasons Changing (and a Party!)

One thing that Jeff and I have in common is a love of entertaining! We love to have friends over, the more the merrier, and don't need much of an excuse to do so. I would say that we regularly have 20-50 people over, and it's always such a blast!

Now, I don't do a ton in terms of decorating, even though I love to decorate, but I try to add a few cute touches for every holiday. My real weakness is taking stuff down--last years' Christmas decorations stayed up well into March. Procrastination: A curse.

A few weeks ago right before Thanksgiving, our house looked like this:

Since we'll be home for Christmas this year, for once it didn't take me long to turn that into this:

But the place where I spend most of my time and effort decorating for some reason is our fireplace mantel! I love picking items to place up here, and it's definitely the focal point of our living room. Overnight, the mantel went from Fall to Winter! I'll admit, I like the Fall photo more, mostly cause our baby Acey is in her usual spot. You'll see that she's got her own stocking this year too:

Speaking of entertaining, we are throwing a PARTY this Friday night, and if you live in or near So. Cal, we'd love for you to come! It's a Shootsac party, and we'll have a hot drink/cocoa/cappuccino station, desserts by the ever-delish My Sweet & Saucy, and some sweet sauce deals on our stuff too. Feel free to stop by and say hi!

Bring friends! As usual, the more, the merrier! It is THIS FRIDAY NIGHT, 7-10. Just click the banner below to RSVP on Facebook, or leave a comment and let us know you'll be there (and how many you're bringing with you). But don't RSVP both places unless you're two different people. Which would be weird:

totally rad

View the original article here

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