Monday, January 3, 2011

53 Weekly Themes For Your 2011 Project 365

Then end of one year brings the promise of something new in the one ahead. Last year DPS challenged you to start a Project 365, or Photo A Day, in 2010. We’re doing the same for 2011 and we’d love to know your plans!

As a helpful suggestion, I have complied a spreadsheet for those needing some structure or looking for advice. The sheet is available here for download in Excel format (Project 365 Calendar). It contains a list of 52 different themes, one for each week of 2011, to aid your creativity if you get stuck. By no means is anyone required to complete this assignment exactly as written because a Project 365 should be about what interests you. It’s merely meant to help keep the motivation up when it starts to wane (around week two).

I’ve also included a column for each day of the week for those planners out there who want to list it all out. It’s also a great way to capture future image ideas and reference them later. Need further help in staying motivated? Jim Goldstein has a post here on DPS just for you; 11 Tips to Succeed with a Photo365 Project.

To recap the post from last year, “What is a Project365?  While they can take many forms depending on your hobbies, for photography’s sake it’s the simple act of taking a picture every day for a year. Many people will then post the photos on their blog, Flickr, Picasa Web Albums or just send them to friends. The format of presenting is not the important part of the project, although it can become a very useful way to keep committed to the project.”

Now then, here is a link to the spreadsheet and below is the list itself for those wanting to adapt it to their own note keeping method. I tried to pick subject matter that did not require much, if any, travel far from home. It may take some creativity to caputure a few of the subjects, but you are a photographer, you are creative by nature! Have a great time shooting in 2011

Note: You will notice the spreadsheet starts on January 1st. That ‘week’ only counts for January 1st and 2nd. After those dates, the calendar assumes the weeks start on Monday.

View the original article here

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