Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Print Portfolios


Word on the Tweet is that I don’t blog often enough. So I have a question: Would you rather read a blog by a photographer who doesn’t work but who blogs all the time or would you rather read a blog from a working fashion photographer who’s too busy to write that often, but at least when you read the blog posts, you know that the person writing them is actually working in the industry?

I thought so. ; ) Look, I’m up at 5 or 6 AM most days. Today, I was up at quarter to 6. Had a skype meeting with Vincent De Vries who is producing my London Seminar. Put out a casting call for an editorial shoot I’m shooting next Wednesday. Booked my ticket to New York with Delta. Put together the call sheet for Saturday’s seminar. Wrote out an estimate for a potential client’s Look Book. Locked down hair and make up for next Wednesday’s shoot. Spoke to my agent about the flow of my book. Spoke with Debra Weiss about the flow of my book. Spoke to my printer about the paper stock he’ll be using for my book. Saw a new Russian girl, who was exquisite by the way, at my house at noon. Re-negotiated the usage terms on the estimate for the potential client. Looked at hotels in New York. Wrote some friends that I’ll be coming soon. So, I’m busy but I always have that nagging voice in the back of my head…..”need to write a blog post soon!” So just trust me that it isn’t because I don’t love to write for this blog it’s just that I don’t have enough time in my day to update it that often!

I have to say the most important task on my hands at this exact moment is the printing of my new book. The new million dollar question us photographers are faced with today is Do we STILL need a print portfolio. Some say no, while others insist that we do. I have to say that I haven’t been asked for a print book in ages. BUT. There are still instances where the book could be requested and I need to have a current one. And I just signed with a new agent and she feels like she needs to have at least two on hand “just in case”. I also need one as well, to travel with. So I’m putting together three portfolios. I’m still using the standard 11 x 14 House of Portfolio black leather bound portfolios. I still feel comfortable using this type of portfolio because it still is an industry standard, although recently I’ve been longing to see how my images would look in a horizontal book (13 x 19) with a different type of cover. This also gives you the option of putting two 8.5 x 11in Images on the same page which is great for fashion. Maybe someday!

Figuring out what goes in my book is a fairly simple task. Obviously, the newer work goes in, replacing the older work. Fashion is always moving forward and staying current is really important. But what about the flow of the pictures in the book?  This is something that I am not entirely self confident with.  When I say “The Flow”, I mean, the sequence that the photographs are laid out in the portfolio. Which shot do I open with, or which story should I start my book with. And then what story should follow and in what order. It’s very important to have a good flow. It keeps the viewer, which in our case is the potential client, interested and keeps them wanting to turn the page to see the next image. And since I don’t feel this is my strong suit, I hire a professional. That’s where Debra Weiss comes in. Debra has been in the industry for over 30 years. I trust someone who has dealt with art directors and industry creative’s for this long. I sent Debra a zip folder of all my images and she laid them out in the sequence she believes will keep my audience interested.


What might be of interest to those of you living near or in Los Angeles are these two upcoming events presented by Debra Weiss. The first is a seminar entitled HOW TO GET WORK FROM AD AGENCIES on June 10th and ONE ON ONE PORTFOLIO REVIEWS on June 12th.  All reviewers are ad agency creatives and art producers and although most are versed in seeing advertising books rather than fashion books, they are creative and their feedback is valuable. And Debra has a great group coming to this event. You never know who they know and where they may be someday, And you can never get enough experience showing your book to the people who can actually hire you. This review is geared specifically for those who work in advertising and those experienced enough to seek work in that market. For more info contact Debra at event@1on1portfolioreviews.com  And just a heads up: Early registration deadline for HOW TO GET WORK SEMINAR is Monday, June 7th.


Okay, I’m going back to answering emails and finding that perfect guy for my shoot next week. Stay tuned…I’ll have about 4 editorials to show you in the coming weeks ahead!

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