Friday, January 28, 2011

Check out Exit Through the Gift Shop on Hulu


Every once in a while, some completely free movie will show up on Hulu and it just has to be shared. This is why Exit Through the Gift Shop has been embedded here for you.

Exit Through the Gift Shop is a documentary that is about a man who can’t seem to stop filming himself. He then decides to film street artists, and decides to film the famed Banksy.

Banksy is probably the most famous of street artists, and since what he does might not necessarily be legal, he keeps his identity secret and is now more legend. He recently designed a beginning to a Simpsons episode which was rather controversial as it was dark.

There is speculation that the main character in the film, Mr. Brainwash, is some sort of elaborate hoax. Banksy seems very upset by him at the end.

I think what I admire about the film is the lengths it shows that street artists will go to put their art on display. I admire that it was brought on tape.

If you have an hour and a half, check it out.

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