Thursday, January 6, 2011

Nvidia launches 3DVisionLive at CES 2011


Nvidia seems to be in the 3D business a lot with the Alpha camera line granting 3D, and then NVIDIA? GeForce? 3D Vision.

It looks like NVIDIA is declaring themselves a master of another 3D area as they unveiled a site known as 3DVisionLive at CES 2011.

At the site, people can share their own 3D photos and see more from professional photographers; watch short videos, trailers, and sports; and rate the content they see. The site supports Nvidia’s 3D Vision technology and old-school anaglyph technology with the blue and red glasses.

In addition to this development, Nvidia announced that they are going to be demonstrating some new PCs and displays with 3D vision at CES as well. I’m sure that we’ll probably report on them here or at our sister sites.


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