Friday, November 12, 2010

26 Very Cool Caterpillar Photographs

Getting down into the world of macro can introduce a photographer to a whole other world of interesting subjects. Following on from our macro tips on photographing insects, we though we would showcase exactly what people can do when they decide to get close-up. This time with caterpillars which are a fascinating and colorful subject that photographers seem to be able to turn into incredible photographs.

Chenille de la Buveuse : Euthrix potatoriaphoto © 2009 Didier | more info(via: Wylio)

Caterpillarphoto © 2005 Gerald Yuvallos | more info(via: Wylio)

Zerynthia rumina (catterpillar/lagarta)photo © 2009 Jo?o Coelho | more info(via: Wylio)

Chenille de la Buveuse : Euthrix potatoriaphoto © 2009 Didier | more info(via: Wylio)

Zygaena filipendulae - Zygène de la filipendulephoto © 2009 Didier | more info(via: Wylio)

black striped yellow catterpillarphoto © 2006 Felix Francis | more info(via: Wylio)

sailing caterpillarphoto © 2007 bjaglin | more info(via: Wylio)

Cinnabar Catterpillarphoto © 2010 wayne tucker | more info(via: Wylio)

weird Caterpillarphoto © 2010 stephen klein | more info(via: Wylio)

black swallowtail catterpillar 1photo © 2009 Victor Slade | more info(via: Wylio)

Hubbard's Small Silkmoth Catapillar-Sphingicampa hubbardiphoto © 2006 Clinton & Charles Robertson | more info(via: Wylio)

Catapillarphoto © 2005 Noel J. Goodwin | more info(via: Wylio)

Catapillars - Mullein Mothsphoto © 2010 Darren Shilson | more info(via: Wylio)

Hubbard's Small Silkmoth Catapillar-Sphingicampa hubbardiphoto © 2006 Clinton & Charles Robertson | more info(via: Wylio)

Hubbard's Small Silkmoth Catapillar-Sphingicampa hubbardiphoto © 2006 Clinton & Charles Robertson | more info(via: Wylio)

Joseph Reicherts | Wylio)

blue catapillarphoto © 2010 nick ta | more info(via: Wylio)

Zebra Longwing Catapillarphoto © 2008 Matthew Hoelscher | more info(via: Wylio)

Heimlichphoto © 2007 Joseph Reicherts | more info (via: Wylio)

Big Hairy Caterpillarphoto © 2008 Sean Murray | more info (via: Wylio)

blue catapillarphoto © 2010 nick ta | more info (via: Wylio)

Catapillarphoto © 2005 Amanda | more info (via: Wylio)

Pale Tussock caterpillarphoto © 2009 Darius Bau?ys | more info (via: Wylio)

eastern tent caterpillarphoto © 2008 woodley wonderworks | more info (via: Wylio)

the last caterpillar 2010photo © 2010 Bernhard Latzko | more info (via: Wylio)

Caterpillar ##photo © 2005 Gerald Yuvallos | more info (via: Wylio)

View the original article here

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