Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Frankie & Ruby

When a family has a new baby, it can be chaotic, especially when there's another little one running around. I think it's normal to feel overwhelmed, and there's probably a whole mix of other emotions that come into play that I can't even begin to imagine.

However, I saw no sign of any of that walking into Emily's house to photograph her daughters, Ruby and new baby girl Frankie (what an adorable name!!). What I did see was cuteness of all kinds!

The first kind was the decor. I'm a sucker for cute, bright, quirky decor, and Emily has that by the truckload!

I just love a good Pez dispenser collection!

This is baby girl Frankie. A baby sweet all the way through and back:

This is big sister Ruby. A kiddo with personality exploding out the doors and windows!

I knew we would hit it off because we both love cupcakes:

We shot this session right around Thanksgiving, and I was rather taken with this little Turkey decoration! So was Ruby:

Kick your feet up, girl, and relax!

As anyone who has photographed newborns will tell you, it can be quite unpredictable and time consuming. There is a lot of time where the baby needs to be fed, changed, rocked, or just played with, so you spend way more time doing that than shooting. That's why there are so many photos of Ruby in this post--Frankie was otherwise engaged during a lot of the time!

I think Ruby and Frankie have the beginnings of a beautiful sister-sister relationship:

And Ruby will make a great mommy herself someday!

Baby Frankie is a peaceful spirit who was patient and adoring of her mom & sister:

Ruby decided to Whip Her Hair. Love her:

Frankie doing what she does best (and Emily doing what she does best):

Another attempt at the two girls together:

Then we took Frankie by herself for a few. She's just darling:

Frankie needed to eat again, and I had noticed this amazing tutu in Ruby's closet, so I requested a fashion show. She was happy to oblige!

She's such a cute little lady!

Amusing herself while we pay attention to Frankie:

I love this one of baby Frankie! She just looks so soft and yummy!


View the original article here