Monday, November 29, 2010

DPS Giveway! – Trey Ratcliff’s HDR Video Tutorial

Ladies and gentlemen, this is exciting! We are giving away not one, but three free copies of Trey Ratcliff’s downloadable version on his HDR Video Tutorial!

Trey has taught thousands upon thousands of people how to do HDR through workshops, his award winning HDR Tutorial on his site, his book “A World In HDR” and now he has released a video tutorial which is just like going to a workshop! Watch as Trey actually works his way through processing 10 different images from start to finish and follow along each step of the way. This video download normally sells for $99 but we are giving away 3 completely free!

It couldn’t be easier, all you have to do is leave a comment below telling us why you love HDR photography. That’s it! The contest will run 48 hours, and when the timer runs out we will choose 3 random winners.

If you don’t win, no worries! You can still purchase the video tutorial for a special DPS discount of 10% using the coupon code “DPSISREALLYAWESOME” at checkout. Just follow this link to purchase the tutorial.

Note: This coupon code will only be good from now until the end of the year! It is good for all 3 ordering options

Trey is best known for his site,, which has become the #1 Travel Photography Blog on the internet with around 350,000 visits per month including one from his mom. He’s also on Flickr and SmugMug, where his photos have recently passed over 45 million views. His work first became popular after he had the honor of having the first HDR photo ever to hang in the Smithsonian. After that, he was fortunate enough to be represented by Getty, and has been featured on the BBC, ABC, FOX, CBS, and NBC, and has had numerous showings around the world.

High Dynamic Range Photo

High Dynamic Range Photo

High Dynamic Range Photo

High Dynamic Range Photo

James Brandon is a photographer located in Dallas and a lover of iced tea, Chipotle and his wife Kristin (but not in that order). Be sure to check out his daily photo blog and follow him on twitter at @jamesdbrandon.

View the original article here

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