Friday, November 19, 2010

Environmental Portrait – Weekly Photography Challenge

This weekend your challenge is to take and share an ‘Environmental Portrait’.

Image by Blazej Mrozinski

Now before you race off to take a snapshot of your favorite waterfall, tree or creek – an environmental portrait is a portrait of a person – that features their typical surrounds.

A Builder on a building site, a shop keeper in their shop, a child in their room…. someone (anyone) in a place that says something about them.

For a few tips on environmental portraits check out:

Once you’ve taken your “Environmental Portrait” image, upload it to your favourite photo sharing site and either share a link to it below or embed it in the comments using the our new tool to do so. Please note it sometimes takes us a while to approve comments with images as there’s a moderation queue – particularly over the weekend.

If you tag your photo on Flickr, Twitter or other sites with Tagging tag it as #DPSENVIRONMENTALPORTRAIT to help others find it. Linking back to this page might also help others know what you’re doing so that they can share in the fun.

PS: don’t forget to check out some of the great photos shared last week in the ‘10 Meter’ challenge.

View the original article here

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