Sunday, November 28, 2010

Thanksgiving: Weekly Photography Challenge

Image by ckirkman

Image by ckirkman

Many of our readers are, as they read this, recovering from one of their biggest holidays of the year – Thanksgiving.

While I know not all DPS readers are in the US I thought the theme of Thanksgiving was something we all could participate in as we do this week’s photography challenge. We did this last year also and it was a great theme.

The challenge is to photograph something that you’re thankful for OR to share a thanksgiving shot that you took over the last few days – and then to share the shot in comments below.

Use your imagination and feel free to interpret the theme as you’d like. You might like to take a picture of a person, object or do something symbolic to show what you’re thankful for. Anything goes – all we ask is that you keep your shots to a family friendly standard.

Once you’ve taken your photos – choose your best 1-2, upload them to your favourite photo sharing site either share a link to them even better – embed them in the comments using the our new tool to do so.

If you tag your photos on Flickr, Twitter or other sites with Tagging tag them as #DPSTHANKS to help others find them. Linking back to this page might also help others know what you’re doing so that they can share in the fun.

Also – don’t forget to check out some of the great shots posted in last weeks Environmental Portrait Challenge.

I am looking forward to seeing what you’re thankful for!

Post from: Digital Photography School

View the original article here

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