Friday, November 26, 2010

This Movember thing really is a terrible idea…


So I’ve been doing this Movember thing. Basically, you spend a month (the month of Movember, clearly) to grow the dodgiest moustache you can. But it’s for charity; by wearing this bushy abomination on my face, I am reminding the world of the scourge of prostate cancer.

I think I can with great certainty say that I have succeeded in growing a fantastically dodgy ‘mo.

Here’s the proof:

I'm starting to think this Movember thing...
I’m starting to think this Movember thing is a bad idea
(on Flickr)

Movember. Yeah, definitely a bad idea.
Movember. Yeah, definitely a bad idea.
(on Flickr)

Can’t help but think that this would have been a more elegant solution.

(but at least it’s not as dodgy as last year’s effort…)

… And if you feel like my lousy effort at growing facial hair is worth laughing at, you’re probably correct; but it may also be worth reaching for your wallet and giving some moneys to The Cause. Because, well, I don’t want to have walked around like a complete doofus for a month for nothing. Whether you donate £0.10 or £100 – it’s all equally welcome!

All the best,

~ Haje

View the original article here

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  1. Please stop using Photocritic content on your blog; it is copyrighted.
