Sunday, November 14, 2010

This Week in the Digital Photography School Forums (7-13 Nov ?10)


Weekly Assignment

TRule of Thirdshis week’s assignment took a trip back to the basics by looking at the Rule of Thirds. This is a compositional rule that suggests that you put your subject on one of the lines that divides the image into thirds. Our winner this week was sunwrites’s keyboard image. The blue tint really works well with the graphical nature of this image. And there’s an interesting touch of the 3 being right on one of the “thirds” lines. Our first runner up was BarbaraAnn’s Hard Rock Cafe photo. This one makes good use of angles and lines, and you can see that the guitar of the sign lies right along one of the “thirds” lines. And last, but not least is dukesg’s City Lights. With this one, there are great colours and reflection and you can still see just a hint of colour in the sky. In this one, you can see that it’s the horizon that runs along the “thirds” line. Well done everyone!

Hard Rock CafeFinancial Tower - Finishing Day of ConstructionAfter spending time following the rule of thirds, this week’s assignment is now Breaking the Rule of Thirds Sometimes an image is much stronger if it doesn’t follow the rule of thirds. Not every shot works well, but sometimes shots can gain symmetry or even just take advantage of having a strong subject in the middle of the frame. But keep in mind, don’t just break the rule without a reason, we want to see shots that use it well. As always, a quick reminder of the rules. First your photo must have been taken between 3-17 November 2010. Second, your post must include the words “Assignment: Break the Rule of Thirds” and the date that the photo was taken. Finally, your EXIF should be intact, and it’s useful if you can include some of the main points, such as camera, lens, aperture, shutter speed, ISO, etc. Next week we will be working on another compositional tool, this time we will be Filling the Frame. So get rid of all the distractions and fill the frame with your subject.

Post from: Digital Photography School

View the original article here

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