Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Wild Lands & Wild Life: Cordova

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Sixtyone North has announced its second photo tour for 2011. The tour, titled “Wild Lands & Wild Life: Cordova” will kick off on 18 June 2011 and end on the 24th. Participants will be staying in an adventure lodge tucked in a secluded coastline on the edge of the Prince William Sound. As the name of the tour suggests, the region around Cordova, Alaska will be the main focus of the tour, to include a wide variety of marine and land mammals, rainforest, mountains, glaciers and vast fields of wild flowers.  The cost per participant is $3575; which covers 6 nights of accommodation in the lodge, meals and transportation while on tour, and tuition. Transportation to Cordova is not included. The first $1000 is payable upon registration.

Website: Sixtyone North: Wild Lands & Wild Life: Cordova

Press Release

Dave Taylor of Sixtyone North Announces Epic Alaskan Photo Tour to Cordova, Alaska

“Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do, than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” ~ Mark Twain

Get ready for the trip of a lifetime. Dave Taylor of Sixtyone North is proud to announce this once in a lifetime journey to the pristine southern coast of Alaska. Diverse, beautiful landscapes and a wide variety of wildlife will surround you at every turn on this epic 7 day photographic AdvenTour.

Cordova is not a photographic location, it is a photographic region. This is where glaciers go to die. Where oceans are born, fed and sustained. Where mountains do not rise up from the horizon, they are thrust up with such force that they tear a ragged scar across the sky. Standing guard between the soaring mountains and the cold ocean depths is the ancient Chugach National Forest, the northernmost rainforest on the planet. You will see colors so vivid, varied and lush that you may initially doubt their authenticity. But just like you, they are here – real, alive, and basking in all of Alaska’s majesty.

We will truly be taking the road less traveled over the next several days. Dozens of bald eagles perch in trees near our lodge and all along the coastline as they soar above the quiet waters of orca inlet. Just offshore, we’ll float among sea otters. Not just one or two, but dozens and perhaps hundreds! We are timing our journey to see the newborn pups cradles atop their mother’s chests. These adorable animals have the densest fur of any animal. Up to 150,000 strands of hair per square centimeter. Cordova is the unofficial sea otter capital of the world, and the photographic opportunities here are endless.

Sea otters are just a little of what our Cordova base camp has to offer. You will be hard pressed to find a more diverse landscape, anywhere. The Chugach Rain Forest dives inland right from the coastline, sweeping up the lower ramparts of the surrounding mountain ranges. It is lush in every sense of the word. Old growth. Trackless. Dark. Mysterious and draped in vibrant silvery-green moss. This forest will suck us in, enveloping us in its ecosystem. Glacier and snow melt feed the streams that rush through the forest, a luminous milky-turquoise blue that courses beneath the ancient trees. A cool mist hangs in the air. The forest is still, yet alive all around us. We will walk the shores of nearby lakes and ponds, fog shrouded and lit warm by the early morning sun as it crests the ridges above. Ducks, geese, trumpeter swans and grebes are everywhere – raising their young families in this idyllic and tranquil setting.

We will pass over the Copper River (the 10th largest river in the United States) as it fans out into the Copper River Delta after its 300 mile journey from deep within the Wrangell Mountains. The Delta is the largest wetlands along the Pacific Coast of North America. This area is the annual stop over for 16 million shorebirds – including all of the worlds Western Sandpipers – and the largest population of nesting trumpeter swans on the planet. We will watch for bear and moose as well, as they frequent the trails we explore.

Further on, the Delta changes shape. It is a stark plain in comparison to the nearby rainforest. Grey waters rush by with amazing power, tearing trees from their roots and carrying them downstream towards the ocean. Ancient ghost forests struggle to stand against the torrent. Beyond looms the massive Child’s Glacier. We will be given a unique opportunity to witness the raw power of a glacier as it slowly tears through the Alaskan landscape. We will set up less than 1/5 of a mile from the glaciers terminus, and photograph it for several hours as it crashes over and over into the undercutting Copper River. This will give us ample time to study multiple facets of this natural wonder as it slowly dies the same death it has undergone for several thousand years, up close and personal. We will have a great meal prepared on site (over an open fire) as we study the dynamics of glacial geology through our lenses. We’ll enjoy s’mores and wine as one of the most awe inspiring sights crashes directly in front of us. Over and over again.

Don’t be disappointed by things you didn’t do, adventures you didn’t pursue. Float among the sea otters & seals, drift below bald eagles, walk amongst ancient trees in pristine rainforest, through thick lupine fields next to a glacial lake, and watch as a glacier crashes dramatically into a raging river. Feel the cool ocean winds. Explore & discover. Give your dreams some real competition.

Natural drama doesn’t get any bigger than in Alaska and this is Alaska’s best kept secret. This is a photographic opportunity to great to pass up. Are you ready? Beautiful & grand landscapes. Diverse & awe-inspiring creatures. Witness your dream adventure come true.

Witness Alaska’s Wild Lands & Wild Life: Cordova.

What’s Included:

All lodging at a beautiful ocean side adventure lodge while on tour. 7 days/6 nights.

All meals while on tour.

All transportation while on tour.

All guiding and instruction.

An AdvenTour of a lifetime.

What’s Not Included:

Transportation to and from Cordova.

Lodging & Meals outside of the tour dates.

Camera gear – Gear is available for rent, please contact Dave Taylor prior to the tour to arrange rental equipment.

Emergency evacuation, trip insurance, logistics needs (food, transportation, lodging, etc.) in the case of unforeseen & uncontrolled tour alterations.

Tour Investment = $3,575 per client.

Deposit required at registration = $1,000 non-refundable unless your spot can be filled.

This tour needs 3-5 participants to occur.

Contact Dave Taylor if you are interested in joining us on this unique photo tour to Cordova, Alaska.

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View the original article here

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