Friday, December 17, 2010

How to use Flickr to Post your Images to Photographic Communities

This is a guest tutorial from Light Stalking community member and professional photographer and teacher, Tom Dinning. Check out Tom’s photography website and his blog for some great photos and tutorials.

Uploading your images to Light Stalking or many other photographic communities is a simple process. This short tutorial will take you from the beginning.

The first thing to do is to resize your image so it doesn’t take all day for the viewer to have it appear on their screen. You might be fortunate enough to have high speed fibre optic cable with download speed measured in Mb/s but for us in the internet backwaters we still receive messages in bottles.

If you’re using Photoshop or Lightroom you will have a simple option of ‘Save for web or devices’ under the File menu. After opening your file, click on ’Save for web and devices’ to open up the next window.

This is what it will look like.

1. Set the file type as jpeg

2. Set the quality to at least 80

3. Set the maximum dimension to 500 pixels

4. Hit ‘enter’ and check file size and download time. This can be up to 200 kb but is better at about 100kb.

You can do a preview if you want to have a look.

Now hit ‘Save’ and store it in a place where you can find it. Don’t save over the top of the existing file. I didn’t really have to tell you that, did I?

The next step is to transfer the file to Flickr or some other file sharing site. Flickr is dead easy and highly recommended. There’s lots of other nice people taking pictures you can meet as well.

5. Click on ‘Upload Photos & Video’

6. and

7. Choose your file (or files)

8. Check to see if its the right file and

9. Upload photo(s)

10. Go to ‘Your Photostream’

11. Select the image you want to display on Light Stalking

12. and

13. Use the drop down menu for ‘Share this’ and copy the HTML (not the BBCode).

Now go back to Light Stalking, select the Group or Forum you want to post the image and paste the HTML into the dialogue box.

Click on ‘POST UPDATE’ and ………

Just like magic.

You can repeat this process in the same dialogue box as often as you like – or until the server becomes as clogged as a school yard septic tank.

And isn’t that what we are all about?


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