Monday, December 20, 2010

Nikon Coolpix P7000 Firmware Update Version 1.1

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Nikon have released a firmware update for the Coolpix P7000 camera. Version 1.1 includes the following changes:

  * Image recording time at image quality settings that include NRW (RAW) has been reduced.
* Lens control has been optimized to reduce the frequency with which the “Initializing lens. Cannot focus.” message is displayed.
* An issue that, in some rare cases, prevented zoom operation has been resolved.
* An issue that caused the monitor display to exhibit a loss of detail in highlights (blown highlights) when the shutter-release button was pressed halfway with Active D-Lighting enabled has been resolved.

Website: Download Nikon Coolpix P7000 Firmware Update Version 1.1 (Windows)

Website: Download Nikon Coolpix P7000 Firmware Update Version 1.1 (MAC)

View the original article here

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