Saturday, December 25, 2010

Choose Film Distinctions Awards 2011

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The Choose Film Distinctions Awards 2011 is now open for entries. The theme for this year’s Award is ‘Changes’ with photographers being briefed to capture an image that encapsulates all that Changes means to them. All images must be taken on Fujifilm Professional film.

Distinctions 2011 now open for entries

The Fujifilm Distinctions Awards has joined forces with, the online community dedicated to film photography, to launch the Choose Film Distinctions Awards 2011.

The theme for this year’s Award is ‘Changes’ with photographers being briefed to capture an image that encapsulates all that Changes means to them. All images must be taken on Fujifilm Professional film and submitted via - entry is free and open to all members who can enter as many photographs as they wish. The closing date for entries is 31 December 2011 which gives a full year to submit entries. Each Merit winner will be asked to submit a print for final judging.

In addition to being named the ‘Choose Film Photographer of the Year 2011’ the winner will also be presented with a cash prize of £1,000. There are runners-up prizes of £100 and £50 worth of Fujifilm film for second and third places. The winner will also receive a PR package from the promoter of the awards, WPS Media.

Fujifilm Professional’s product manager, Gabriel Da Costa, commented on the new look Awards: “The Distinctions Awards have been an integral part of the photography calendar since their launch in 2002 and I’m delighted that this tradition will now continue in the guise of the Choose Film Distinctions Awards. Film continues to be the creative choice for many photographers across the world and gives these people an outlet to display their images amongst their peers. Many photographers are re-discovering the joys of shooting on film and I’m sure the brief for this year’s Award will capture the imagination and lead to some stunning entries.”

To sign up for Choose Film, simply login in to - it’s free to join and features a host of features and information on analogue photography.

View the original article here

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