Sunday, December 5, 2010

Signs: Weekly Photography Challenge


Image by Joe Dunckley

This week your challenge is to take and share an image on the theme of ’signs’.

You may interpret the theme in any way that you wish – however I guess I was thinking about the signs we see around us every day – road signs, warning signs, tourist destination signs, funny signs (I’ve included some funny ones below)….

Get as creative as you can with your shots – for example – contrast signs with what is around them and you could get some interesting shots.

Once you’ve taken your ’signs’ photos – choose your best 1-2, upload them to your favourite photo sharing site either share a link to them even better – embed them in the comments using the our new tool to do so.

If you tag your photos on Flickr, Twitter or other sites with Tagging tag them as #DPSSIGNS to help others find them. Linking back to this page might also help others know what you’re doing so that they can share in the fun.

Also – don’t forget to check out some of the great shots posted in last weeks Thanksgiving Challenge.

Here are some Sign shots to get you in the mood for this weeks challenge:

Image by TrombaMarina

Image by wili_hybrid

Image by cindy47452

Image by ekai

Image by jurvetson

Image by doug88888

Image by Gene Hunt

Post from: Digital Photography School

View the original article here

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