Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Gotta Shoot Village Cigars

There are many iconic photographic images of New York City. Typically I leave them alone - iconic for me translates as it's already been done and done well, you probably won't do it better or in a more interesting way. So, rather than look like a wannabee or copycat, I look elsewhere. However, there are many, many subjects in this city that, given the right time and conditions, will lure anyone with a camera. Photos like that of Village Cigars in a snowstorm by Igor Maloratsky. A mysterious Hess Family triangular mosaic is set in the sidewalk in front of Village Cigars - see my story and photo here.Village Cigars at 110 7th Avenue South at the corner of Christopher Street occupies a unique, tiny, one-story triangular building. This neighborhood landmark has been located there since 1922. It has been seen in film and there have been numerous images taken over the course of its history, in a variety of seasons, available in both color and black and white, as stock photos for advertising, art prints, greeting cards and photos sold on the streets to tourists. Try as one might to exorcise those legendary photos from ones mind, similar conditions often acts as a trigger. Caught in a snowstorm while walking down Christopher Street with a camera in hand? Gotta shoot Village Cigars :)

View the original article here

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