Monday, January 3, 2011

This Week in the Digital Photography School Forums (19 Dec ‘10 – 1 Jan ‘11)

Apologies for the delay in posting the winners from the Holiday Decorations assignment. Over the Christmas holiday our servers decided that they deserved a break, so we were experiencing some technical difficulties. However, without further delay we have the winners for Holiday Decorations. Our winner this week was Obijuan’s “My Pretty Ball”. This one stood out to us. While it was one of many ornament shots, the use of the light trails around the ornament was different from the usual. Our first runner up was CallMeJag’s “Christmas Bokeh”. Shaped bokeh gets pretty popular around Christmas, but it can be difficult to make it look good. This shot was simple, and the colours worked well. And although the bokeh was the subject, in this case it worked because of the clarity of the shapes and the bold red. And last, but not least was TravisRichins‘ single ornament. Again, it’s a nice simple shot. The reflection helps add interest, and it was bright, cheerful, and colourful. Well done everyone!

Christmas BokehHolidaysWe also started (and continued) our Holiday Food assignment. Because of the forum problems, this assignment has been extended for a week and now runs from 15 December 2010 – 5 January 2011. So if you haven’t gotten your entries in, you’ve still got time! As always, a quick reminder of the rules. First, your photo needs to have been taken between 15 December 2010 – 5 January 2011. Second, your post must include the words “Assignment: Holiday Food” and the date the photo was taken in order to show that it is eligible for the contest. Finally, your EXIf should be intact, and it’s useful if you can include some of the main points such as camera, lens, shutter speed, aperture, ISO, etc. Our next assignment will be “Best of the Year”. For this upcoming assignment we want you to pick what you think is your best shot from 2010 and share it with us. Maybe it’s one of your assignment photos, maybe it’s a photo that you took that you’re incredibly proud of. Whatever it is, don’t forget to enter your best in our next assignment.

What Are Your 2011 Goals?: So, as we ring in the new year around the world, the thought of new years resolutions may come to mind. But what kind of photographic resolutions are you making for the new year? And what are your goals? Come share them with us over on the forums.How Do You Feel About Being Photographed?: As photographers, sometimes it seems that we like to be anywhere but in front of the camera. So, how do you feel about it when a stranger photographs you (if you notice)? Come share your thoughts over in the forums.What Would You Do?: One of our ongoing threads on the forums is the What Would You Do challenge. In this challenge, one person submits a photo and everyone else is tasked with editing it and telling us how they got from the original photo to the photo that has been posted. Whether you’re new to post-processing or you could practically create a photo without a camera, you’re welcome to participate in WWYD.

Nicole is a DPS Forum moderator and keen photographer from New Zealand. See her blog and Flickr account.

View the original article here

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