Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Francois Vogel has figured out an odd way of doing glasses-free 3D


Okay, with all the talk about 3D, I have been hearing a lot more about glasses-free 3D.

Not like this, we don’t. In fact, Francois Vogel has figured out a way to remove the glasses, but it has a real unfortunate side effect that you have to watch to believe.

Somehow, there are some sort of electrical impulses queued up so that his eyes blink at separate intervals. Oh man, that does not look very safe at all! Of course, that’s just my opinion. For all I know, this could be completely non-hazardous to your health.

By the way, you will need a monitor with a 120Hz refresh rate. Don’t tell me that you actually want to try this, though.


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